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The Fat Finger Detour (FFD) - How to use this site:
If you find yourself here, it is probably the result of inattentive typing on your journey to somewhere worthwhile......Sorry ‘bout your luck. If you have a couple of minutes to kill that you will never ever recover, read on. FFD is the irreverent account of a baby boomer’s childhood trials.
If by chance you are just really anxious to go to the site you intended before you were inattentive, bookmark this page as you will need it when you do have time to, when you are on hold trying to divorce your cell phone carrier or waiting inline at the DMV.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Extreme Profiles in Courage - excerpt from War and Peas

On occasions when it was New Papa vs. the grandchildren, the grandchildren always presented in impenetrable front. When New Papa was not conspiring to complicate our lives we were quite accomplished at filling that void.

            The youngest 10 of us fell into 2 categories: “Character” donors and “Character” recipients. The older 5 were donors and the youngest 5 were recipients, however to some extent all of the girls were recipients at least some of the time.  The recipients were home schooled by the donors in a number of subjects including:

·      Knot tying
·      Tennis
·      Gymnastics
·      Brain teasers
·      Marksmanship and conductivity

Jack: “As you can see, Chip and Stain, using a half hitch followed by a square knot makes escape virtually impossible.” 
Penn: “However when working from branches above, nothing quite beats the hangman’s noose.  Any questions Margaux?  Don't forget to be at the car in 10 minutes for miniature golf”.


Preparing for kindergarten in the Fall, Little Sinner liked to play school. Older siblings and cousins were all to eager to oblige:  

Looper: “Little Sinner, we believe you will learn much more if we use true stories to challenge you: The police made us take you when you were 1.  They said they would come back to get you in  2000 days.  If it takes one week to pack, when should you get started?”


“To get a steady shot at the blackbird, rest the bb gun barrel on something firm, like that 1000 volt cattle wire”.

           As one might surmise, the lure of hanging out with older cousins and our absence of cause and effect reasoning, contributed to endless opportunities for acquiring character.  Of course we were always eager to learn when Nick and Toad rode into town.